Sunday, November 24, 2024

Software Projects...

 Several software projects are on the drawing board. The first is a modification to SkyViewAzEl functionality and the second is a 'data manager' type application.

  1. SkyViewNGC - Modification of the Functionality of 'SkyViewAzEl'
    The changes to SkyViewAzEl are sufficiently extensive such as to warrant using it as just a template for a differently named application - tentatively called 'SkyViewNGC'.  The change in functionality is driven by experience gained by using 'SkyViewAzEl' for planning observations.  One aspect that is thought to need improving is only presenting objects which would show sufficient detail in the FOV of the Seestar S50. It's of little use to try and image an object with an extent less than about 1 arcmin. Another useful functionality would be to be able to select the type of object (galaxy, nebula, cluster, etc). Also consideration will be given to the function of the two image panels. Perhaps the large image could be given over to actual observation image results, while the smaller thumbnail image could be given over to Stellarium screenshots. The original purpose of the large image panel was to indicate the size of the target image in the Seestar S50 FOV. By only including objects with a major dimension greater than 5 arcmin this functionality is no longer required (because all objects in the list of objects will look big enough in the Seestar S50 FOV). The thumbnail Stellarium screenshots can now just provide a general overview before an actual observation has been done.
  2. Data Manager (HawkAstroDataManager)
    During the initial stages of Seestar S50 familiarisation, not much thought or attention was given to the organisation of the data produced. It has quickly become obvious that organisation of the data such that it can accessed efficiently is extremely important. Not only access, but curating what data files to retain and bundled into archive groups. At first the data was downloaded as is from the Seestar S50s, however given the same objects could be observed on many different nights, that structure rapidly became cumbersome. It was noted that file names contained the object name and what filters were used as well a time-stamp. For that reason an entirely flat structure could be used where a 'data manager' application could scan the files and select them based on some set criteria. On the other hand, it would be useful to have separate folders for each object name to allow viewing manually. A compromise solution is tentatively adopted where an object folder is created (e.g., 'M42'). Inside this folder are two sub-folders called 'FITS' and 'JPGs'. Inside 'FITS' are stored the Stacked FITS files. Also in the 'FITS' folder is a object-named sub-folder (e.g. 'M42-sub) where all the individual sub FITS files are stored. In the 'JPGs' sub-folder are stored the Stacked JPG result files (produced by the Seestar S50). The function of the data manager application will be to download data from the Seestar S50s as is onto a PC. Then it would scan this downloaded data and copy files into the working data structure as above.
    NOTE: an issue with using two Seestar S50s at the same time arises if they are both observing the same object. This is not an unusual scenario as using two Seestar S50s on the same object allows double the data for a night's observing on that object. The problem is that every now and then one Seestar S50s can produce a time stamp which is identical to the other. This causes a situation where one file will have to be overwritten (in a flat structure) unless it is renamed. Another issue is that when two Seestar S50s are observing the same object there might be a reason not to mix both sets of FITS files in the one stack. One way to avoid this is to add a Seestar S50 ID (e.g., 'S50A') to the filenames. This is best done by clicking a selection in the data manager as when connected to the PC via a USB cable they both appear as a drive named 'Seestar'. It is probably possible to rename the SD card drive inside the S50s as 'Seestar S50 A' or 'Seestar S50 B' and so on - but that is not a comfortable option due to the concern such a renaming might corrupt the internal SD card and make it unusable. While unlikely it's not worth the risk. While downloading, the Seestar S50s will be sitting within view and so noting and setting the ID manually within the application is not an issue.

Work on the above projects will progress over time.