Friday, December 22, 2023

The ZWO Seestar S50: First Solar Observation...

 Taking the opportunity of a clear morning sky (now gone cloudy) I took the S50 outside on its small tripod to observe the Sun.

Sun with sunspots (22 Dec 2023 - 09:25 am AEDT:UTC/GMT +11 hours)
Amazingly it only took less than 5 minutes from stepping out the door to the outside to getting the first image !!!

Setting up outside 35 seconds; booting up YQ10S tablet and S50 and connecting 45 seconds; compass calibration 40 seconds; levelling 55 seconds; attaching solar filter 20 seconds; S50 finding Sun 55 seconds.

This smart telescope is amazing !!!

Included ND Solar Filter (clips onto S50 lens opening)

Addendum: I don't yet understand completely how the S50 found the Sun. I am presuming it takes an azimuth bearing from its built-in compass (which is why a compass calibration is needed), an elevation bearing from the angle of the lens (why a levelling calibration is needed) and latitude and longitude and time from the tablet, and then calculates where the Sun should be in azimuth and elevation. Then it performs a spatial search and locks onto the Sun. All logical when you say it - but absolutely amazing in actual execution.